Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, September 23, 2012

MP #6: Cell Phones

Cell phones have become a staple in our society. Nearly everyone has one and they constantly use it and they rely on it for so many things. I personally have a dumb phone instead of a smart phone but that is more of a cost issue than anything else. I cannot use my phone for the internet or anything like that, but many of my friends have phones that can do nearly anything. I think I was reminded of the prevalence of cell phones in our world today when I was sitting watching the Brigham City Temple dedication and they asked everyone to turn off their electronic devices. I looked around and so many people were turning their off. 

I know that cell phones can be wonderful but there is a time and a place for them. Please don't have them on at temple dedications. Please do not sit and text or play games during church. Don't leave them on in the lockers at the temple. Technology is wonderful and cell phones are incredible tools but we need to remember that we did survive before they came and we can survive a few hours without them every now and again.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Random Catch Up Photos

I went up north for my cousin Rebecca's baby shower. Shayle came too and brought her two boys. Here is Porter being really silly.

Me and Becky and our Bellys :) She is about a month farther along than I am.

Porter with a balloon string.

Also I posted pictures of when Shayle and James visited us a few weeks ago. Here is a picture of Thomas eating some corn on the cob. He ate it pretty well.

The next day we went to the zoo! It was pretty hot outside so Porter had a lot to drink.

Looks like Thomas is having a blast huh? Haha silly kid

Elephants are Porter's favorite. There was a mom, dad, and baby elephant. They were so cute!

Shayle tried to get Porter to pose with them behind him. I don't think he was too thrilled with the idea.

Shayle and Porter looking at the Sea Lions.

I think giraffes are hilarious when they get something off of the ground. Look at the legs!

Porter and James looking at the giraffes.

Me and Marc by the giraffes too.

Cute family! We had a really great time with them and can't wait to go to the Aquarium or something.

We also went up to Brigham City for Peach Days. Here is my cousin Julie and her niece Tressa watching the parade.

Thomas watching the parade.

Don't know why this picture is at the end. But here is a spotted sea lion (I think).
We had such a great time with family at all of these activities :)

MP #5: You Tube Videos!

I think one of the greatest new parts of media is youtube. It allows us to see millions of videos and I feel like it really connects all of us and makes the world seem smaller. I also think it is interesting to see new celebrities that are only popular because their video went viral. I particularly love Sophia Grace and Rosie right now. Cute girls! What is your favorite youtube video? Here is one I recently saw and found amusing.

On Your Feet Blocking (Episode 2)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Media Post #4 Regional Conference

I think the media can be very destructive but it also has many benefits. As one example, this past weekend was Regional Conference. Because of the great technology that there is today, my husband and I were able to watch this conference in the high council room in our stake center. It was such a wonderful conference and I loved all of the messages. If it wasn't for the media and this technology I would not have received all of the inspiration that I did. I would not have been able to listen to Elder Oaks speak. Some days I really love the media!

Week 22

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Media post #3 9/11 Reflection

Today is the anniversary of the world trade center attacks. I think everyone is looking back on that day and remembering where we were when we first found out. It is amazing to remember how instant it was known all around the world because of the media coverage. I remember where I was. I was 11 and I was at home about to leave for school. My mom called me into her room where she had the news on. My initial reaction was not of revulsion or fear because I was only 11 and I did not really understand what was happening. I actually thought it was some sort of planned trick or something special effect-y like in the movies. I guess that is a good example of what the media and movies had done to my thinking. Instead of realizing how horrible it was, I was thinking it was some sort of cool thing that was done like something in a movie. It took some explaining for me to really realize what it was. Is this a normal thing? Is the media teaching us to not take things as seriously because we see really violent or dangerous thing in the movies all of the time?

Obviously I do not find anything cool about the attacks now because I realize what actually happened. My heart goes out to everyone who was affected by that day.

Week 21

Time is just flying by! I am more than half way done and things are really going great right now. On Tuesday we found out that we are going to be having a baby girl and we couldn't be more thrilled to be welcoming a little princess into our family :) She keeps moving all around and kicking a lot but not hard enough for anyone else to feel her yet. According to the baby app I have she is the size of a banana. I'm not really sure what that means because a banana does not seem to be the shape of a normal looking baby. Oh well haha. I am feeling really great right now. I've heard the 2nd trimester is the best and it definitely appears to be so. Loving being pregnant right now and we are anticipating her arrival in a few months.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Media Post #2: Downton Abbey

So I am somewhat obsessed with Downton Abbey. And by somewhat I mean extremely obsessed. For those of you who have not watched it, watch it. It is so worth it and I have been trying to get my mom and older sister to watch it but haven't had success yet. The show has a very elaborate plot with intriguing and twists and turns. I have always loved movies like Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility because I find the time period to be fascinating. I feel the same way with this show. There are characters you hate and ones you love and others you cannot figure out. 
Well my friend Shannon posted the trailer for the third season on facebook and I anxiously watched it. Then I watched it again. Then again. Then, when I realized the scenes in it changed so fast that I couldn't figure out who certain characters were, I watched it while pausing. If I was still uncertain, I wrote the time down and then texted Shannon asking her who each and every person was at about 5 or 6 different times in the trailer. So instead of just taking 1 minute and 11 seconds to watch the trailer, I was closer to 10 minutes. Yikes! I think I am obsessed. Does anyone else share my obsession? Also who else is not going to wait til January to watch it? (Again I am counting on my friend Shannon who will be able to find it online in a heartbeat). What is it about this show that draws me in so much?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Media Class Post #1

So for my class on Media and Families I need to post 2 blogs a week about the media I come across in my everyday life. This may be a bit of a stretch for media, but it is something that I have been thinking about a lot in the last few days and so it was the first thing that came to mind when I thought about this blog.

Media transmits a message, and my husband and I received a wonderful message yesterday via ultrasound. We found out that our first baby is a girl! This is something we are thrilled about and it is the best media message I've gotten in a very long time! The media can be wonderful and can transmit happy and uplifting messages instead of being destructive all of the time. Even though an ultrasound may be a bit of a stretch for passing as media, I was so very grateful for the message and what it means for us in our future.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Boy or Girl?

I'm sure you have all just been dying to know if we are having a boy or a girl :) 
Well we went to the doctor today and...

Baby girl! We are so very excited and feel very blessed to be able to welcome a sweet little girl into our little family. The ultrasound tech was wonderful and explained everything and I think Marc really loved being able to see our sweet daughter! I have been feeling her kick but he hasn't yet so it gave him something to see to really make this pregnancy real. Here are a few pictures from the ultrasound!

She is a girl! :) Haha
We couldn't feel more lucky or thrilled to be able to bring a child into this world! Love her already :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 20

 Half way! Finally made it and things are going really great :) Tuesday we find out what we are having and we are so excited! Shayle and James are visiting us and we have been having a really fun time with them and their cute boys. I also have some pictures of them playing with their Uncle Marc :)