Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 19!

So I am a few days late posting again but I've been busy! I started my last semester of school on Monday and so far it is going ok although I tend to pay more attention to the baby kicking me than to the teachers. Oops! I better work on that :) I am still feeling great! Doctor's appointment tomorrow and then we find out what we are having on Tuesday! Yahoo! Any guesses?


  1. I vote boy boy boy, but man a girl would be so fun to make stuff for. hum... oh you should put up one of those boy or girl tickets.

  2. Graham, Brian, and I say you're having a boy. Stasia and Kork think you're having a girl. Can't wait to find out, I'll be patiently waiting for a text or call from Marc-ee all day Tuesday. Love you guys.

  3. Uh, What is an heirloom tomato?

  4. An heirloom tomato is just a type of tomato. It must be larger than an orange though but not as big as a small cantelope because that is what next week's size should be. Also I think i'll just have people vote on facebook. I couldn't find a ticker to count this but maybe I'm just bad at looking.
