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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Garden Update

Here is a garden up date :) I used seeds from my Grandma and I planted this garden the day I found out that she had passed away. My Garden is growing! It went from this

To This! The peas are doing great, the radishes are getting large, there are some kohlrabi growing although they are taking their time, but there are only 3 or 4 carrots! Silly carrots.

Today we planted the cucumbers, zucchini, and green beans. Here is Marc planting the seeds.

The zucchini

The green beans and the cucumbers.

I might need to weed. This is what we get for planting in a place that was originally FULL of weeds. I think it is going to be a work in progress. Slowly I will get rid of the weeds. Hopefully next spring it will look better.

For Mother's Day, Marc bought me two of the upside down tomato planters. Once we buy something to hang them with, we will buy some tomato plants and hang them :) I'll post pictures when we do. Also, the plants I planted inside are still slowly growing. They are kind of taking their time! And I forgot to label them so I am not sure what the plants are haha so one day I will know :)

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