This is a post with tons of pictures and catch up. First, here is my 29 week photo! It was taken at a baby shower that I shared with my cousin Emily. She is also having a girl and is due the beginning of December. The shower was so awesome and I thank everyone who helped get it together.

I put Christmas lights in my pumpkin. It looked really pretty but was very time consuming. Also, Marc's electric drill didn't have a long enough drill bit (I think that is the right word?) so after I drilled part way through, I had to get a plastic stick and poke the rest of the way through each hole. Whew! It took a while.
The weened of the shower we went up to Logan and spent time with Shayle, James, their boys, and James's brother Jason and wife Casi. We had a little party for Porter's third birthday. Thomas was being silly and kept smiling at the camera. Every time I took a new picture he laughed and laughed.
Porter's gift from my parents.
Porter opening his gift from my grandparents. He was so excited for all of his Jake and the Neverland Pirates gifts. He truly loved them :)
Here he is with the telescope and bandana from my grandparents. He wore that thing all night and wanted to wear it all the next day too. Silly kid :)
Emily and Elizabeth
Ronna, Shayle, and my Aunt Jan
My cousin Stephanie and my Aunt Unhui
And, just in case you were concerned that my mom wasn't there, here is proof she was! My mom and two other sisters participated via skype and it was fun for them to kinda be there too. They even smiled for the picture :) Haha
When I got home, I took Shayle's advice and layed everything out and took pictures so that I could easily see all of the awesome stuff my baby girl got :) She is one spoiled and loved baby!
Thanks to everyone who came and showed us how much you love us :) We really appreciate it and are so very thankful! Love you all
I am sad we couldn't make it. I am so glad your mom and your sisters got to be apart of it. Love you guys! Can't wait to meet this little angel!