Time is just flying by! I am more than half way done and things are really going great right now. On Tuesday we found out that we are going to be having a baby girl and we couldn't be more thrilled to be welcoming a little princess into our family :) She keeps moving all around and kicking a lot but not hard enough for anyone else to feel her yet. According to the baby app I have she is the size of a banana. I'm not really sure what that means because a banana does not seem to be the shape of a normal looking baby. Oh well haha. I am feeling really great right now. I've heard the 2nd trimester is the best and it definitely appears to be so. Loving being pregnant right now and we are anticipating her arrival in a few months.

When I was pregnant with Stasia, Brian and I would go to the grocery store and try to find a 6-8 pound watermelon so we could kind of figure out how something like that could fit inside of me. LOL....I loved being pregnant, I want to do it one more time....