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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Media post #3 9/11 Reflection

Today is the anniversary of the world trade center attacks. I think everyone is looking back on that day and remembering where we were when we first found out. It is amazing to remember how instant it was known all around the world because of the media coverage. I remember where I was. I was 11 and I was at home about to leave for school. My mom called me into her room where she had the news on. My initial reaction was not of revulsion or fear because I was only 11 and I did not really understand what was happening. I actually thought it was some sort of planned trick or something special effect-y like in the movies. I guess that is a good example of what the media and movies had done to my thinking. Instead of realizing how horrible it was, I was thinking it was some sort of cool thing that was done like something in a movie. It took some explaining for me to really realize what it was. Is this a normal thing? Is the media teaching us to not take things as seriously because we see really violent or dangerous thing in the movies all of the time?

Obviously I do not find anything cool about the attacks now because I realize what actually happened. My heart goes out to everyone who was affected by that day.

1 comment:

  1. I was in the lobby of my hotel getting read to take a train over to the airport when I saw it on TV, when I got to the lobby and was getting a hot chocolate from the coffee counter I saw tons of people all around the TV, I asked the coffee guy what was going on and he said "I don't know, it must be something terrible, because they don't usually have the TV on", I walked over, just in time to see the 2nd plane hit. I thought to myself, "dang that's a terrible thing to show in an airport hotel!", but then I looked around and everyone was shell shocked and quickly realized it was the news they were watching. I don't know if we are desensitized to stuff like that because of Media, but more that we would never expect something that terrible to happen in our own country. I think you being 11 and that was probably the worst thing you'd ever seen in your lifetime that it took some explaining for you to understand what was going on and I think that is normal. (Can't believe you were only 11, that kind of makes me feel old!) I do think that Media makes so many things more accesible, I'm sure you've heard it lately that our world is getting worse and more bad things are happening. I tend to think that's not true, I think the same amount of bad things are happening, we just hear about it and have access to it more now, with the internet, multiple online news resources, multiple cable news channels, social media, etc.
