Well I haven't posted anything in a while so this is a big update with several months in it. First just some cute pics of Kaitlyn :)
Kaitlyn with Uncle Mike, Aunt Clacie, and her cousin Emmit.
Some of Marc's family came to visit and we went to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point. We had a great time with all of them and loved the visit.
Balancing! Such a big girl :)
She was so cute there. Her coat is a little too big so she couldn't have tried to eat them even if she wanted to.
We went back to the pumpkin patch so we could spend more time there. Here she is on a hay ride with daddy :).
We were able to go up to Brigham City for Porter's 4th birthday. We went to a trampoline park and Kaitlyn enjoyed crawling around on the trampolines :)
Enjoying his gift from us :)
I made Kaitlyn's costume this year (I figure it probably won't happen once I have more kids) and our complex had a little Halloween party. So here is a sneak peek at her costume. Will post more after our ward's trunk or treat.
She is the cutest zebra ever!
I had to put a hair clip in the mane because it kept hanging down in her eyes and she was getting frustrated :)
That's all for now! I'll post more pics soon hopefully :)