Well it has been a long while since I have updated this blog! So be prepared for a long post with lost of pictures of my sweet little Kaitlyn :)
Here is Kaitlyn with Bompa, Marc's Gramdpa. His Grandma Anna passed away and we went to St. Johns for her funeral. We are very sad that she is gone, me especially because I wish I would have been able to get to know her better. Funerals are always sad, but I love that they bring family together.
Here is Kaitlyn and her cousin Cheyanne
Here is Marc and his twin Mike
Here they are with their brother Jason
Here is a happy, but blurry, Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn and Daddy :)
Kaitlyn and Aunt Larissa
Chilling out watching March Madness. This was one of her favorite things to do!
No matter how tight we swaddle her, she can always get a little hand out :)
Marc turned 26! I made him a flourless chocolate cake. It is delicious!
My sweet friend Shannon took some graduation pictures for me, and while she was at it took a few family pictures for us too :)
Then it was my birthday! I am 23 now! :)
This is Kaitlyn just chillin'
Apparently she was through with that :)
We watched conference with family. Here is Kaitlyn with Great Grandma Larsen
Shayle and Kaitlyn snuggling
Do you think we amuse her?
Porter really wanted to hold her hand
Poor Thomas is afraid of heights. He isn't too happy
And finally here is a cute family picture of Shayle and James :)