We made two trips out to Logan this summer. We went out for the 24th of July and we went to the parade with Shayle, James, Porter, Thomas, Ryan, Larissa, and James' brother Jason and his wife Casi. We had a lot of fun even though it was hot outside. We also stayed and watched the fireworks before going back to Provo. It was so fun to spend time with them and see Porter getting lots of candy!

I really wish I remembered what Porter was saying in this picture. He looks like he is getting after someone! So cute :) Love that kid.

Porter LOVED the candy. Every time they threw some out he yelled CANDY! and ran to get some. He had a blast!

He also got a frisbee and loved that.

Thomas tried to help get candy too.

Porter then got a popsicle.

He was still a really dedicated candy grabber, even with the popsicle in his mouth.

Look at all of my candy Maga! :)

Then we made another trip up a few weeks later for Thomas's 1st birthday. Porter entertained himself by riding his new bike! He is really good at it.

Uncle Marc and Thomas!

Marc also helped push Thomas on Porter's bike.

Happy boy!
Porter got a bucket and shovel from his Grandparents and he was a big fan of them! He wore it like a hat and as soon as we walked in the door of their house he rushed to the backyard to play with it in the sandbox.

Porter was the gift giver. He handed Thomas all the gifts and then proceeded to open them for him :) This is a gift that Porter picked out for Thomas.

It looks just like a toy dog that my Grandma had that both Porter and Thomas loved playing with.

Here is the gift from Maga and Paga that we brought out for Thomas.

It was a big hit with the boys. Porter thinks it is pretty great.

The gift from Marc and me :) It was a cute little toy lantern.

Thomas got a new tricycle from his mom and dad!

Here is the cute Curious George cake that Shayle made for Thomas. She worked really hard on it and it looked awesome! Good work Shayle :)