We did announce on facebook but just so everyone knows we are having a baby! Our baby is due January 19th :) We found out a few days after Mother's Day! We kept it pretty quiet until we were about 12 weeks.
I gave this to Marc for Father's Day :) I need to put our ultrasound picture in it so he can take it to work.

To announce it to our family, we made cupcakes and brought them down for everyone to see. At the time we thought our due date was the 20th but then were told it is the 19th.

Here is a picture of our baby! We are so very excited to be parents. All I have ever really wanted to be is a mom and I am so happy that this is happening! We know this will be quite the adventure but we are ready!

If anyone has been wondering how I have been doing with the pregnancy, here is a quick rundown:
I started having morning sickness on our anniversary weekend, but after I started taking vitamin B6 it has been completely manageable! I have been very lucky! I haven't craved anything so far, but I have lost my appetite. Nothing sounds good but I am almost 14 weeks now and I think things are starting to get better. I am still incredibly tired all of the time but I am hoping that will be over soon as well. Other than that I have been doing really pretty great! Thanks baby :)