Nightmare # 1
This one is because at the time, I didn't think Shayle was going to be able to come to Denver until just before the wedding so I was worried about my mom doing all of the work herself.
Well I was at my reception, which wasn't really decorated at all, so it looked like a cultural hall with a few streamers in it. Well as soon as we walked in my mom cut the cake up and started to serve it to everyone, which made me upset because I knew most people look at the cake when they go to receptions.
So I took the remaining 10 small pieces and I tried to put them in a square together so there was something to look at. Also, there were a bunch of kids running around looking for eggs. Instead of standing in a line, Marc joined the little kids and started running around the gym looking for easter eggs!
I was very annoyed at him, but he wouldn't stop! I was also annoyed at my mom because she organized an easter egg hunt at my reception! That was not my idea of a spring wedding!

Nightmare #2
This one was after I found out Shayle would be there to help a ton, and I guess I decided she wouldn't do a very good job!
Well I wasn't feeling well that morning and so my mom gave me some medicine but it made me pretty out of it. So all of a sudden my mind kicked back in when I was already at the reception, and I didn't remember my wedding or anything! I was really upset about it, but I decided to just move on. Well it was time for me and Marc to dance, but instead of a normal slow dance, I guess Marc wanted to make it fancier or something. He would take a few steps and then take a little jump, then a few more steps, and then jump again. I was trying to hang on to him but he was jumping and twirling like a maniac! I was getting really really annoyed! But he wouldn't stop even when I told him to. Also, Shayle was making fun of me, but I can't remember why she was, I only remember that I wanted to cry! And Shayle was in charge of booking a lady to sing at my reception, and she booked someone who was afraid of people! So the lady stood across the way, as far away as possible, near the door so she could escape really fast.
Also, she was singing music that was from India, like my reception was the setting for a bollywood movie or something! It was all very frustrating.

Good Dream # 1
This is the only good dream I have had about it so far!
This dream just happened to include the actual wedding. It was in the temple, but I wasn't allowed to sit next to Marc. I ended up sitting by some girls in his family (I have no idea who they were, even in my dream I didn't know them). But we were waiting around for forever and I was getting restless and so I started to wander. Well the walls of the room were lined with different toys and board games that you could buy, and as I wandered I ended up on the boys side of the room accidentally.
It was time to start, so I was about to hurry back over to the girls side when I looked around and say that Marc was looking at me with a big grin on his face! I smiled back and at that moment I was so excited and felt pure joy because I knew that since we were in the temple (crazy as it might have been in my dream) we were getting married forever!
I think that means that even though I stressed about the reception enough for two nightmares, I recognize that I am most excited to just get married, and to get married to my sweatheart, Marcus, forever! I sure do love and miss him!