Here are some pictures of our Halloween and our new apartment! Marc's coworker gave us free tickets to Cornbelly's! It is a corn maze and has a ton of other fun things to do! We went on a hay ride, rode a train, and went through the regular corn maze and the haunted one. Marc forced me to! Haha it was scary but I survived :)
This is us on the hay ride! It was bumpy but so fun!
This was the little train we went on. It was even more bumpy! But it was
fun and I enjoyed seeing all of the little kids riding it.
When we were walking through the corn maze the sun was setting and it was so beautiful against the corn! I love the colors.
Here we are in our costumes! We were Where's Waldo and Wanda :) We didn't go anywhere so we pretty much dressed up just for fun! Haha we couldn't find any striped clothes so we bought red clothes and white duck tape! I basically taped myself into my costume! Couldn't get it off until I peeled all of the tape off.
I guess this is us posing like they would in the books. My friend Meg made us :)
These are pictures of our new apartment and then pictures of our old apartment with all of our stuff in it! You can tell that it didn't fit! We are so lucky and so blessed to be living in such a nice apartment that is so big and that we can afford!